
Corona Virus in Uganda.

Picture from internet

As the rest of the world, coronavirus is a threat and has reached Uganda (my motherland). As of today, the 28th March 2020, Uganda has thirty cases of coronavirus with an average of five new cases every day from the day it started spreading in the country. Research has it that there is no cure for this virus and everyone is vulnerable and at the same time everyone is a solution. “The bad news is that everyone is a potential victim but, the good news is that everyone is a potential solution” (Bobi Wine Ft. Nubian Lee).

We can fight this together.

In first world countries, retired nurses and doctors, nursing students are all called into hospitals to help patients who have tested positive and to get more people to attend to patients with other problems apart from coronavirus. For example, in Oslo Norway where I reside, schools, kindergartens, universities, and businesses have been on lockdown since 13th March 2020. This scares me if first world countries take these measures what about my poor Uganda? With its poor medical systems. I recently viewed a Facebook live chat where one person had symptoms of the virus but reaching one of the hospitals the ministry of health had recommended, there was nothing like a coronavirus test kit, in fact they told him that some test kits are on the way but will cost fifty thousand Ugandan shillings that is like 13US dollars. What about the families that cannot afford that?

The easiest way to prevent coronavirus is by following local public health guidelines, take measures to wash your hands as often as possible, prevent touching surfaces when outside, and avoid touching your face. Limit handshakes, you can greet each other by waving or smiling (always works for me) especially when someone is in a distance and last but not least stay at home!
Picture from Pinterest.

Social Isolation

On Snapchat I see friends in Uganda hosting house parties because the president ordered bars to be closed. When the ministry of health says you should social distance yourself, it means keep physical distance from people especially those you don’t live with. This is what happens if you keep letting people come to your house to attend house parties. First and foremost, they are traveling from one place to another there is a chance of them getting the virus in the traveling process. One person with coronavirus can spread it to the entire region without him/her knowing. Some of the people that have tested positive had no symptoms which are cough, flu and fever.  So, if one person in the house party has the virus, all other people will be infected. Through air, close contact to that person and all the surfaces he/she touched.

Picture from Instagram.

So my fellow Ugandans please stay at home in your houses, don’t allow new visitors until when the ministry of health advises that the country is done with the social distancing time. Video chat with your friends, take long evening walks and make sure you are in a two-meters range distance from the next person, read books and above all spend time with your God.
Picture from Statista.


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